Showing 1–12 of 53 results


Fabric Pots As it’s name suggests, fabric pots are made from a breathable fabric. We use 300gsm and 350gsm fabric which is much thicker than many on the market – making in more durable and less prone to transpiration loss.  There are many benefits in using fabric pots over traditional styles of pot; Air Pruning Fabric pots [...]

Hy-Gen Nutrients



BUDLINK BUDLINK® is the original and ultimate liquid silica product enjoyed by growers across the world since 1997. BUDLINK’s unique recipe has been formulated from the ground up and includes other beneficial elements. BUDLINK® is effective at all stages of growth and flowering. BUDLINK® compensates for differing plant nutrient requirements, which occur in the presence [...]

Bio Diesel

Bio Diesel


BIO DIESEL Designed for increased essential oil production and heavier overall bud and flower size. Bio Diesel puts the biology back into hydroponic systems.   The original BIO DIESELcombines the best bloom stimulants mother nature has on offer. Sustainably sourced and manufactured, Bio Diesel is made by blending fully digested vegetable proteins, complex sugars, Fulvic [...]

Hy-Gen Nutrients



  HUMIBOOSTA HUMIBOOSTA™ is formulated using a blend of Humic and Fulvic acids to improve nutrient solubility thus enabling maximum nutrient availability. They are selected and derived from various natural deposits and processed sources. Additional macro nutrient forms of these organic acids ensure that background nutrient levels are replenished throughout all stages of plant development. The list of nutrients [...]

Hy-Gen Nutrients

PK – Top Up


Nutrients & Additives



Complete Advanced Nutrients for Rapid FloweringTHC BLOOM A+B is Australia’s leading advanced high performance two part horticultural liquid nutrients specifically developed for professional plant cultivation in hydroponics, cocoponics, soil or substrate using recirculating or run or waste method. Only carefully balanced and integrated blend of the finest main and trace elements are being used in [...]


Mills Nutrients Drum Tap made to fit 5L and 20L containers

Simply replace your containers lid with the Mills Nutrients Drum Tap and enjoy leak-free ease of dispensing making measurements hassle free.

Hy-Gen Nutrients

Sea Essentials


Hy-Gen Nutrients



  OMEGAZYME OMEGAZYME is a blend of natural sea kelp selected specifically for their root and shoot promoting properties. The organic compounds are known to enhance and accelerate root repair and root system development. They are also known to actively promote vegetative growth and stimulate early flower production. The raw plant ingredients used are carefully [...]

Nutrients & Additives



Complete Advanced Nutrients for Rapid GrowthTHC® GROW A+B Australia’s leading advanced high performance two part horticultural liquid nutrients specifically development for professional plant cultivation in hydroponics, cocoponics , soil or substrate using recirculating or run to waste method. Only carefully balanced and integrated blend of the finest main and trace elements are being used in [...]

Bio Diesel

Green Diamond


This is a complete base nutrient rich in ALL required macro and micro nutrients required for vigorous growth and flowering. Designed for high performance Hydroponic and Coco Fibre systems. It contains natural chelates and organic plant metabolites, combined with pure minerals of the highest quality. Additional Trace elements, B Vitamins, Fulvic acid and Bio Stimulants [...]

Bio Diesel



ALOEVATE A 100% Natural plant tonic that contains hundreds of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Made from blended desert plant extracts, it contains natural salicylic acid (silica) Auxins, Amino Acids, Saponins and enzymes that enhance microlife, protect your root zone and break down any dead roots and unused mineral salts to keep the plant roots clean [...]