Fabric Pots As it’s name suggests, fabric pots are made from a breathable fabric. We use 300gsm and 350gsm fabric which is much thicker than many on the market – making in more durable and less prone to transpiration loss. There are many benefits in using fabric pots over traditional styles of pot; Air Pruning Fabric pots [...]
Plant Guard is our potassium silicate supplement used in the vegetative and flowering stages of growth. Silicate increases the rigidity of your plant’s cell walls to support a heavier harvest and increase resistance to environmental stress.
Vitathrive is a comprehensive blend of carefully selected vitamins and minerals designed to reduce plant stress while supporting essential functions. Can be used on cuttings, transplants, and for general plant health. Vitathrive contains a full complement of B vitamins. It also contains vitamins A, C, and D coupled with NAA. These all help to increase [...]