Individually boxed in 6 metre lengths
Silver Outside / Silver Inside
Plastic Duct Joiners 150 x 150 x150 Y 200 x 150 x 150 Y 200 – 150 Reducer 300/250 x 250/200 x 250/200 Y 250-200 x 200/150 x 200/150 Y 250 – 200 Reducer
These clamps are used with fans, silencers, reflectors, carbon filters and ductings. The soft rubber lining makes for a tight and vibration free fit.
INLINE VENT FAN EXHAUST BOOSTER BLOWER COOL AIR For Hydroponics Grow lights Grow Tents Greenhouses Great for venting air into greenhouses and grow rooms. Will provide your plants with a consistent strong fresh airflow which as we know is a requirement for grow room setups. This Inline Exhaust Duct Blower features power motor and an [...]
Boveda Two-Way Humidity Control packs are scientifically engineered to maintain a precise relative humidity in an enclosed space.
Integra Boost Humidiccant uses patented technology that releases or absorbs moisture, maintaining relative humidity at 55% in a contained environment.
Cultiv8 Hydroponics Grow Tent Inline Fans are small, quiet inline fans that suit a variety of intake and exhaust functions for small grow tents and grow rooms.
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