Bud Master is a heavyweight bio-stimulant without equal. Standing proud as the champion of all yield boosters it triggers rapid gains in yield and quality by initiating a powerful and targeted flowering response. Plant efficiency is maximised to devastating effect, whilst quality, aroma and taste are improved via enhanced essential oil production. Bud Master is ideal for Coco / Hydro / Soil
Bud Master is a potent flowering stimulant used from the beginning of the bloom phase right up to the final flush. It triggers an explosive increase in essential oil production by stimulating your plants’ metabolism, adding anything up to 20 percent to the weight of the end product and improving the flavour and appearance of your fruits in the process.
Key Features:
Contains a phyto-hormone shown to stimulate various flowering enhancing functions
Stimulates growth, photosynthesis , yield, water uptake and enzyme activity
Stimulates secondary metabolite production and essential oil production in plants
Used as a root feed throughout flowering but with targeted foliar applications for optimal effect
Enhances the uptake and utilisation of Mega PK during flowering.
Adds depth to the flavour of fruits and improves final appearance.
Immensely powerful. Maximises final weight, increasing it by up to 20 percent!
Directions for Use: Hydro/Coco/Soil: 2ml/1L water in flower cycle. See our Feed Charts for precise directions
Potassium(K) 1%, Phosphorous 1%, Bio Stimulants 14%, Vinasse Cane Sugar Seaweed, Fulvic Acid

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