Individually boxed in 5 metre lengths
Double thickness rockwool insulated ducting
The Growlush Inline Centrifugal Duct Fan features a high power motor and an aerodynamically designed shape making it able to move air through long stretches of ducting, grow light reflectors or carbon filters.
Wall Duct Connector’s are flanges that is used to run ducting through walls to extract air from grow rooms.
Boveda Two-Way Humidity Control packs are scientifically engineered to maintain a precise relative humidity in an enclosed space.
INLINE VENT FAN EXHAUST BOOSTER BLOWER COOL AIR For Hydroponics Grow lights Grow Tents Greenhouses Great for venting air into greenhouses and grow rooms. Will provide your plants with a consistent strong fresh airflow which as we know is a requirement for grow room setups. This Inline Exhaust Duct Blower features power motor and an [...]
Duct Muffler Inline Fan Silencer Noise Reducer Maintenance Free Design Safe and Effective Operation
Individually boxed in 6 metre lengths Silver Outside / Silver Inside
GrofanTM is now in a range of four products in the range which have been designed for use with rigid and flexible ducting. In Line Mixed Flow fans offer two and half times the pressure of conventional axial fans, are dimensionally more compact making them ideal for many ducted applications. The impeller blade design with guide [...]
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