Our Biodynamic Preparations
Our biodynamic preparations are buried in the earth for up to one year before going into our blends.
This allows for natural processes to occur that transform the texture, structure, and nutrient content of the soil. Organic matter decomposes, releasing nutrients and deeply enriching the soil.
Microorganisms do their magic, breaking down harmful contaminants and toxins, creating a more fertile soil that is better suited for plant growth.
Red Soil Organics
Tidal Wave Testing this amongst the gardens has been incredible to watch the plant responses. And also lab testing biological responses, and broad acre trials. There are so many massive benefits to both Fish Hydrolysate and Kelp for root, shoot and general plant health & development. I’m sure most of you legendary organic gardeners are [...]
Growing Media
Biodynamic Fermented Potting mix is delicately pungent, with a structure somewhere in the middle of sandy loam, compost and commercial potting mix. Its a very beautiful fine, fluffy blend, rich with organic matter and a diversity of quick and slow-release foods, fermented into one matrix. This potting mix should be treated carefully as your getting [...]
Red Soil Organics
A new creation for all you Biochar lovers! A high powered Biochar that undergoes a fermentation process powered by Morpheus, biologically composting the biochar down, with the help of Fermented Biodynamic Extract for maximum microbial activity & fast restoration of soils Fruit & Veg . Pastures . Extracts and teas . Seed inoculation . [...]