Showing 61–72 of 124 results




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Plant Tie


120mm Adjustable Garden Plant Tie – For tomato plants, Shrubs, Trees Very High Quality UV Stabilised Colour : Black Length : 120mm Each tie is fully UV stabilised for maximum life and will dramatically reduce labour costs involved in fitting to the plant. Material : Rubber ( UV stabilised ) Packets of 50




Persimilis (Phytoseiulus persimilis) are predatory mites that feed on two- spotted spider mite (TSM) and other spider mite species. Persimilis provide excellent control of these pests in a wide range of crops and they are among the most widely used biocontrol agents globally. Adult Persimilis feed on all stages of spider mites, eating up to [...]


Montdorensis (Typhlodromips montdorensis) are Australian predatory mites that feed on small insects, mites, pollen and honeydew. They have proven to be very effective biocontrol agents in many crops and are now used internationally. Montdorensis prey on the eggs and juvenile stages of thrips and whitefly, making them ideal for preventative control of these pests. They [...]


Metal Pipe


Metal pipe


Merch Hats


Major Brand Merch hats


Lumii Black Bulb


The LUMii BLACK Lamp is a 600w High Pressure Sodium Lamp with an E40 fitting. Offering raised blues, this bulb is perfect for stimulating enhanced flowering. The LUMii BLACK Lamp offers 18,000 life hours and 90,000 Lumens. For best results, we recommend using them with a LUMii or LUMii BLACK Ballast. ALL HID LIGHTING SYSTEMS [...]


Features   Compact design with mounting suction caps. Large 25mm high display. Centigrade and Fahrenheit.   Temperature range: -50ºC to +70ºC. Accuracy ± 1ºC Resolution: higher than -20ºC, 0.1ºC; less than -20ºC, 1ºC. Power: 1 x 1.5V LR44 Water proof sensor (Don’t not submerge thermometer display)


JADE PERCH Scientific name: Scortum BarcooOther common names: Barcoo Grunter  A hardy species, Jade Perch are omnivores which survive on a wide variety of foods, such as zooplankton, small crustaceans, aquatic insects, molluscs, algae, duck weed and other plant material. Artificial food is readily accepted from fingerling stage onwards. Note: Take care not to overfeed as they are voracious [...]


Heat and Grow


Seeds germinate best when they have a bottom heat source; this is because bottom heat encourages root cell initiation. Increase germination rates by using a heat tray. With an in-built thermostat, this 20-watt single heat tray is a great option for controlling soil temperatures. With a wide temp range of 0 – 40°c and an [...]


Ed Rosenthal has been teaching people how to grow marijuana for decades. Let him help you cultivate bountiful buds, and lots of them. Ed Rosenthal’s Cannabis Grower’s Handbook is the definitive guide for all cultivators–from first-time home growers to experienced large-scale commercial cannabis operators. The Grower’s Handbook breaks down the fundamentals of marijuana cultivation and demonstrates their practical applications [...]


Billy, Shisha & Hookah Cleaning Brush 50cm This brush is perfect for any standard waterpipe and hookah, it reaches straight to the bottom. Product details: This strong yet flexible brush is great for cleaning water pipes and other equipment Is the perfect shape and size to make that bong perfect and clean again Designed to [...]