Hy-Gen Nutrients
CORNUCOPIA COCOBLOOM SINGLE PART CORNUCOPIA COCOBLOOM is a single part, flowering and fruiting stage cocopeat specific nutrient. The chemistry is similar to our cocopeat specific two-part formulations and compliments the CORNUCOPIA COCOROW formula. The difference is that it is all in one easy to use bottle. The nutrient levels are carefully formulated ensuring optimum ratios between nitrogen [...]
Growing Media
Suitable for both home gardeners and large-scale commercial growers.
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® HYDRO GROWTH TWO PART HY-GEN® HYDRO GROWTH is a vegetative, growth stage specific nutrient. It is suitable for NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), expanded clay, perlite and various other inert soilless substrates. Two-part nutrients have been carefully formulated and balanced using advanced ion chemistry ensuring maximum solubility. HYDRO GROWTH nutrients also work well as foliar sprays. All [...]
Growing Media
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® HYDRO GROWTH SINGLE PART HY-GEN® HYDRO GROWTH is a vegetative, growth stage specific nutrient. It’s suitable for NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), expanded clay, perlite and other soilless substrates. Single part nutrients have been carefully manufactured using balanced density advanced ion chemistry. They have the same analysis as our two-part Hydro nutrients without compromising calcium, phosphorous or sulphur levels. [...]
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® HYDRO BLOOM SINGLE PART HY-GEN® HYDRO BLOOM is a flowering and fruiting stage specific nutrient. It’s suitable for NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), expanded clay, perlite and other soilless substrates. Single part nutrients have been carefully manufactured using balanced density advanced ion chemistry. They have the same analysis as our two-part Hydro nutrients without compromising [...]
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® HYDRO BLOOM TWO PART HY-GEN® HYDRO BLOOM is a flowering and fruiting stage specific nutrient. It’s suitable for NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), expanded clay, perlite and various other inert soilless substrates. The HYDRO BLOOM formula incorporates higher levels of phosphorous, potassium and trace elements to support the transition from growth to flowering and [...]
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® COCOBLOOM TWO PART HY-GEN COCOBLOOM is a flowering and fruiting stage cocopeat specific nutrient. This formulation compliments the COCOGROW formula and contains high levels of phosphorous, potassium and trace elements ensuring an adequate supply during the transition from growth to flowering and final harvest. The nutrient levels are carefully formulated to ensure that optimum ratios [...]
Hy-Gen Nutrients
HY-GEN® COCOGROW TWO PART HY-GEN COCOGROW is a vegetative stage cocopeat specific nutrient. The nutrient levels are carefully balanced to ensure that ratios between all major and minor elements are optimised to maximise availability. COCOGROW contains a natural kelp extract to condition the cocopeat while stimulating and maintaining a healthy root system. It also contains additional [...]
HY-GEN COMPLETE pH KIT HY-GEN® COMPLETE pH KIT is an easy and accurate way to keep track of the nutrient solution pH. The kit gives the added ability to adjust your pH using the pH UP and pH DOWN solutions provided. Adjusting the pH is quite easy and after some time and experience it becomes [...]
Conductivity 2.76 It is essential to calibrate your EC (electrical conductivity) meter with CONDUCTIVITY 2.76 solution regularly. The measurement of available nutrient in the solution is measured as the electrical conductivity. The units used to report the readings are millisiemens per centimetre (mS/cm), Conductivity Factor (cF) or parts per million (ppm). The conductivity increases [...]
HY-GEN® COMPLETE pH KIT is an easy and accurate way to keep track of the nutrient solution pH. The kit gives the added ability to adjust your pH using the pH UP and pH DOWN solutions provided. Adjusting the pH is quite easy and after some time and experience it becomes an art as you [...]